
How To Increase Your MLM Blog Exposure With Technorati

Do you have an MLM blog?Blogging gives you a worldwide reach. Besides, creating and maintaining a blog is far easier, faster and cheaper compared with running a website.If you are building an MLM business online, or any online business for that matter, you unquestionably and positively want to have your own blog. Even if you are just starting your online MLM ventures, you should learn how to setup your own blog as soon as you can. There are unlimited free resources on the internet that will show you all about blogging. It is suggested not to pay for information on how to setup a blog as that sort of information is freely available on thousands of websites on the internet.Network Marketing success is achieved by leaders and all the Network Marketing leaders have their own MLM blogs. That's because a blog establishes you as an expert in your arena, an authority if you wish.The goal is to have your Network Marketing blog as a main hub. All your marketing campaigns should direct traffic to your blog.Once your Network Marketing blog is in place, one of the first things you want to do is enlist it with Technorati. Technorati is an internet search engine for blogs and has millions of blogs indexed in their database. You want them to index your MLM blog since that will increase your blog's exposure.Here are the steps to follow to put your MLM blog on the technorati site:Evidently, the initial step you will want to take is to open an account with Technorati, if you don't already have one, and like many good resources on the internet, it is completely free.This step is very simple, just go to their site and click the "Join" link at the top right of the page. Nail art Fill out the form with your information and click the join button. They will then send you an email with a link you need to click to authenticate your account. This completes your registration with Technorati.The next step is to revise your settings, your bio, and uploading your picture. Don't skip this step like most people. It is important that you let the world know who you are. You're building an MLM business remember?Finally, there's an Nail Polish option that will let you "claim your blog" to verify that it is really yours. This step is a bit more involved as you have to get a code from technorati and then include that code into a post on your blog so they can send their spiders and check that the code is in fact present someplace on your MLM blog.There you have it. You MLM blog is now known by the biggest blog search engine on the internet.

